Volunteer your time

We believe that feeding the hungry and caring for one another is a responsibility that brings joy both and nourishment to all. We know that nearly 20% of Marion County residents -174,000 people– are identified as food insecure. The need is great.

About Soup's On

Soup’s On is a food ministry of Roberts Park UMC in its second decade of service. Since 1999, Soup’s On has prepared and served nearly 150,000 meals to our neighbors in need. Every Sunday, approximately 250 guests come to eat and spend time together enjoying a safe and comfortable dining environment.

Teams of volunteers work from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to set up, prepare and serve food, and clean up the kitchen and dining area. Food service starts at 12:00 p.m. each Sunday. Organizations also provide financial support and resources. This effort takes a crew of 20 volunteers each week, and nearly 1000 each year.

Become involved by volunteering, donating a tax deductible financial contribution or by supporting a project for the ministry. Learn more in the Soup’s On brochure, or by contacting Ames Bottema, Soup's On Director, at amesbsoupson@yahoo.com.

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Ongoing Donations Needed

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