So go on, hands up, who got up early on Thanksgiving and, instead of dealing with food prep, made their way to Broad Ripple to run the 4 ½ miles, Drumstick Dash. No, I don’t see many hands up, nor is mine, I have to say! Yet I am thankful and supportive of those who want to celebrate Thanksgiving actively, run or walk the entire course, or take the shorter route offered.
Now, those who know me will understand me when I say that today I am not built for long-distance
running, well if truth be told, any sort of distance running, save perhaps that of getting across the road
quickly on occasion! Organizing such an event is a big task, whether a full 26-mile marathon or a shorter
distance. Not just in terms of the route itself but putting in the marshals, directions signs and distance markers, the support vehicles, the water stations, etc.
In the big races, thousands of runners compete, and hundreds of volunteers line up to serve those runners. Water stations are set up along the route, and runners are offered or can grab water as the pass by. Most take advantage of the assistance provided, but some jog or run on, insisting they are not thirsty yet. Experienced runners know their physical limits and identify the resources needed to reach the next station. Others will learn the hard way that they should have admitted their need and taken the drink when it was offered.
Jesus said, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink” (John 7:37). Even when he said it, Jesus’ hearers responded in both ways, as the runners in a marathon do. Some realized who He was and embraced Him; others shrugged Him off as less than His claims. Only those who believed could count on the refreshing presence of His Spirit in the interim between his earthly ministry and His physical return.
Being thankful for something means recognizing that a need has been met, whatever that might be: water to quench a thirst, food to assuage hunger, companionship along a journey. I have so much to be thankful for as I run the race we call life. I thank those who stand and cheer me on, those around me who guide and encourage me, those who share the journey with me daily, and most importantly, Jesus, who sustains me. I hope you recognize the presence of God, which is offered to you, and take every opportunity to drink of that life-giving water.
Perhaps this could be your prayer this week? Holy Spirit, I need you to fill my dry soul with your nourishing refreshment. I know that apart from your presence bubbling up in my life, I could never see the truth, have life, and ever grow up in Jesus. Through Him, I pray. Amen. (Standard Lesson Devotions)
Shalom to you my friend,
Pastor Andrew
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