As with all FDA-approved drugs, there have been years of development and rigorous testing before the validation that these medications are acceptable is given. Just this week, there is a study to show that women taking the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) weight-loss drugs that are injected once a week are now finding they are becoming more resistant to some forms of breast cancer. Thousands of people had to offer themselves as test subjects to gather that vital data. Divided into two groups, one set of test subjects received the newly developed drug, and the other set a placebo with no active ingredients. The active component of weight loss, or any therapeutic drug, sets it apart and makes it effective.
There is a parallel here with these words of the prophet Isaiah,
Remember the former things of old;
for I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is no one like me,
declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times, things not yet done,
saying, “My purpose shall stand,
and I will fulfill my intention,”
I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass;
I have planned, and I will do it. (Isaiah 46:9-10,11b)
The prophet could speak with conviction of the ultimate fulfillment of God's purpose because he knew that when God says he will do something, he does it; his words are always active! There is never any question of God saying one thing, doing another, making a promise, and then forgetting to honor it. He is holy and dependable, a God with whom we can put our trust.
That is the truth we celebrate at Advent and Christmas. These are seasons concerned with what God has done - not just what he has promised, but what he achieved! They speak of the God who acted decisively in human history, wonderfully and unmistakably putting his words into practice! God did not just wish the world well and leave it to get on with its affairs. He did not just tell us what we needed to do and then expect us to struggle as best we could. He did not give fine-sounding promises that remained only promises. He revealed love in action, and the word made flesh. That living Word continues to be active today in our lives and our world, and through him, we know indeed that he will accomplish what God has pledged to do! Do you expect God to act in your life? Do you read God's word, believing that it continues to have the power to speak and change lives today?
Perhaps this can be our prayer this week: Living God, teach me to trust that you will do everything that you have promised, your word continuing to work in my life and the life of the world until your purpose is fulfilled. Amen.
Shalom to you, my friend.
Pastor Andrew
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