I am sure it’s the case in your life, too, whether at home or work; there are ups and downs in our lives that are reflected in our emotions. In a typical week here at Roberts Park, I am honored to be able to share in the joys of people’s lives as well as the sorrows and pain that is living and loving in today’s world. It is a privilege and a blessing to think that we might make a difference in someone else’s life in some small way through our actions. Yet it can be an emotionally draining experience in many ways, and I am not immune from that; it’s perhaps no wonder we sometimes refer to it as experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. We need to have ways of looking after ourselves and ensuring that we are emotionally healthy, physically, and, of course, spiritually.
During these moments, I am often reminded of the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and being pursued by Pharaoh’s army. What highs and lows of emotions that story has, the suspense and excitement of leaving Egypt to go into the wilderness and the Promised Land ahead of them. The anger, dismay, and fear that came with recognizing that Pharaoh had changed his mind and was now intent on re-capturing them. The absolute dread at realizing the waters of the Red Sea trapped them on one side and the army of Pharaoh bearing down on them on the other. Then, there was sheer wonder and amazement at the sight of the waters being parted and the escape route they had been praying for. Then, having made it to the other side, the overwhelming sense of relief and exultation.
In recalling this saving act of God, I am reminded that life doesn’t always go smoothly; it has its challenges, even times when the future looks hopeless, but, come what may, God is with us, in both the good times and the bad. It is absolutely true that whatever the challenge or obstacle before us in life, by turning to God and listening to the answer to our prayers, we too can be led as the Israelites were, safely through to a better place. We can often look back as Moses and the Israelites did so long ago and see where God was active in our lives, where God overcame seemingly immovable and impossible obstacles in our path. How were you helped? What might you want to give thanks for today? What are the challenges you would like to share with Jesus?
In the letter to the Romans, we read, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword? As it is written, ‘For your sake, we are being put to death all day long and reckoned as sheep for the slaughter.’ In all these things, however, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:35-37)
Let us make this our prayer, 'Lord, whatever I may face, teach me that your power is sufficient for all my needs. Guide me to walk in faith, knowing that you will show me the way forward. Through Christ my Lord. Amen.'
Shalom to you, my friend.
Pastor Andrew
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