I am sure, like me, you have heard it said that what is spoken of you by others at your funeral should be told to you on your birthday. I know there have been many occasions when I have sat with families to plan a funeral. A relative has said, “I hope they (the deceased) knew how much they meant to me/us.” A statement like that has much to unpack, but I understand its sentiment. Sometimes, only when we find that someone or something is taken from us can we truly discover the value they, or it, had in our lives. Linda Ellis captures some of this in her poem ‘The Dash,’ Here is a verse from it.
He noted that first came the date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
At Roberts Park, we are about to embark on an exercise like the words said in a eulogy about the deceased at a funeral. We will discuss all the positive things we like about Roberts Park and some remarkable people in the church family. It is a process called ‘Asset Mapping,’ we need to do this as part of our preparation to apply for some large grants to help us maintain and update the building and our facilities. Everyone reading this is invited to share this fantastic opportunity to celebrate what is good about Roberts Park and its people.
Take a few minutes and jot down the answers to these three questions in an email to me at the church. aholmes@robertsparkumc.org
Thinking first of the building itself.
If Roberts Park were too close tomorrow, I would miss …
Think about all the events and meetings at Roberts Park.
If Roberts Park were not here, I would miss …
Think about the people you know at Roberts Park who contribute to the church's life by offering their time and talents to help the church in its work. E.g., we have several people who are skilled in writing grants. We have a professional graphic designer who knows how to set out print materials. We have an experienced editor who helps ensure that our communications are the best we can make them. We have an architect who knows about historical buildings and how they can be maintained and developed. We have attorneys who help us with our legal matters. There are … well, you get the idea. What ‘assets’ would be on your list?
When you have done all that, pause and give thanks for all how Roberts Park and the people you know who attend the church have, or are, contributing to its Dash!
Please know that I am praying for you and giving thanks for how you enrich the church's life. I genuinely mean it when I say I would like to hear from you and read what would be on your lists. Please send it to aholmes@robertsparkumc.org
Shalom to you,
Pastor Andrew