In our fast-paced, often chaotic lives, losing sight of our purpose is easy. We get caught up in
daily routines, work pressures, and personal ambitions. But what if there was a guiding principle
that could transform our perspective? The Bible offers us this guidance.
“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians
10:31, ESV). This seemingly simple verse carries profound implications for how we approach
every aspect of life.
In his letter to the Church in Corinth, Paul acknowledges that we have freedom in Christ, but not
everything we’re free to do is beneficial. Some actions may not build us up or contribute
positively to our spiritual growth. The call to glorify God challenges us to evaluate our choices. Is
what we’re doing truly helpful, or is it merely permissible?
Paul goes further, urging us not to seek our own good exclusively but to consider the good of
our neighbors. Whether at work, in relationships, or during mundane tasks, we’re called to
prioritize the well-being of others. This selflessness reflects God’s character.
Glorifying God means maintaining a solid work ethic, even when circumstances are challenging.
Whether we like our boss or not, our work reflects our commitment to God. Honesty, diligence,
and excellence become acts of worship when done with the right heart. Our thoughts matter.
Glorifying God involves setting our minds on things that align with God’s Word. When we
choose gratitude over complaint, forgiveness over bitterness, and love over resentment, we
honor God.
Whether you’re an artist, a scientist, or a chef, your talents can glorify God. Use them to reflect
His beauty, truth, and goodness. Imagine a painter creating art that points people to the Creator
or a musician composing melodies that stir hearts toward worship.
How we treat others matters. Loving our neighbors—whether believers or
unbelievers—demonstrates God’s love. Even seemingly mundane conversations can be
opportunities to encourage, uplift, and point people to Christ.
As we navigate life’s complexities, let’s remember that every moment is an opportunity to glorify
God. Whether we’re sipping coffee, typing emails, or caring for our families, let’s do it all with an
awareness of His presence. Our lives become a symphony of worship—a beautiful offering to
the One who deserves all glory.
So, my friend, consider this as you go about your day: How can you glorify God in your next
task? Perhaps it’s a smile, a kind word, or a diligent effort. Whatever it is, do it with the
awareness that you’re participating in something far more significant—the eternal glorification of
our Creator.
May your days be filled with purpose, and may every action resound with the melody of God’s
Shalom to you, my friend.
Pastor Andrew
Join us this Sunday at 10.30 a.m. onsite or via live stream
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Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.