I watched in amusement the other day as a lady was putting on or touching up her lipstick. I wasn’t close enough to see clearly. I was amused because instead of a mirror, she was using her cell phone and its camera feature. I thought to myself, I wonder if the number of compact mirror sales has dropped. I remember my grandmother and mother having those small mirrors in their purses in a flip-type case with some makeup, etc.
Where would we be in this world without mirrors? What do you get when you look in the mirror each morning? If you are like me, it’s probably a bit of a shock! Yet how would we try to brush our hair, clean our teeth, or shave without a mirror? It’s not just glass, of course, that can reflect things. Water, some acrylics and plastics, and, of course, some metals can all reflect, but so can people too. We recognize that sometimes the things we say and do may be taken as a reflection on others, whether friends, family, parents, or co-workers. We talk about actions reflecting poorly on somebody.
I think that this is what St Paul has in mind in his second letter to the church in Corinth when he says to his readers, ‘Because the veil has been taken from our faces, we all reflect the Lord’s glory like a mirror, and we being transfigured to be ever more like him, from glory to glory through the Lord who is Spirit.’ (2 Cor:3:18). Reflect Christ’s glory – is that true in your life? Do people catch a glimpse of anything of Christ in our lives? Of course, I recognize that sometimes mirrors can distort the truth; they can age over time and so no longer reflect, or indeed, they can crack, so what is seen is a travesty of the actual reflection. Too quickly, the same is true of our lives – the Christ we present to the world is almost unrecognizable from the Lord we are meant to serve. So, next time you look in the mirror and consider your own reflection, think also about how far your life is reflecting something of Jesus to those around you. Is the picture you give the world the one you think you are presenting? Are you living your daily life
conscious of the reflection of Christ that you are? Matthew reminds us in the fifth chapter of his gospel that we are to ‘let the light within you shine before you so that they may see your good works and give glory to your heavenly Father ‘(Matt 5:16).
Perhaps this can be your prayer this week? ‘Lord Jesus Christ, may your grace redeem me, your power renew me, your example inspire me and your love shine from me. Go with me into this week, renewed in faith, to walk in your way and make you know, to the glory of your name, Amen.’
May you have a peace-filled New Year in which Christ is reflected in your life.
Shalom to you, my friend.
Pastor Andrew
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